Showing posts with label jumbo cue cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jumbo cue cards. Show all posts

Friday 4 October 2024

11 CUE CARDS IN 1 JUMBO CUE CARD STORY | Jumbo cue card September to December 2024 | Sep to Dec cue card 2024 | 11 in 1 cue card | all in one cue card




- Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (Rahul as a neurologist)

- Describe a person who likes to read a lot (Rahul’s room filled with books)

- Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative (Helping Rahul after his accident)

- Describe a person who likes to make things by hand (Rahul making wooden toys)

- Describe a time that you showed something new to others (Rahul showing how to make toys)

- Describe a person who has strong opinions (Rahul's views in conversations)

- Describe someone else’s room you enjoy spending time in (Rahul’s room with books and music)

- Describe a person who thinks music is important (Rahul enjoying music to relax)

- Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices (Rahul buying a stethoscope on sale)

- Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like (School event photo with Rahul)

- Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting (Rahul inspiring personal milestones)




Sample Answer:

There’s someone I know who’s had a significant impact on my life—my childhood friend Rahul. He’s not only chosen a career in the medical field as a neurologist, but he’s also a person who inspires everyone around him with his passion and creativity. He’s the kind of person who is always full of interesting ideas and strong opinions about things, which I find really engaging.


One particular memory I have is when I helped Rahul after he met with an accident during his final year of medical school. He was unable to complete his assignments, so I stepped in to assist him. It was a stressful time, but I was happy to help him with his research and writing, knowing how much it meant for his career. He’s always been determined, and seeing him graduate and become a doctor made me incredibly proud. In fact, this experience encouraged me to pursue my own goals, as his encouragement was invaluable.


Aside from his dedication to medicine, Rahul has an artistic side as well. He loves to make things by hand, especially wooden toys, which he learned from his father, who is a skilled carpenter. I remember visiting his workshop once, and he showed me how to make a miniature wooden truck, which was fascinating. He has a way of introducing others to new hobbies and ideas, and I’ve always admired that about him.


When I think about Rahul, I also recall the times we spent together at his house. His room is a place where I feel really comfortable. It's filled with books, music, and art—things that reflect his eclectic personality. In fact, he’s also a music lover and believes that music is essential for relaxation. Whenever I visit him, we usually listen to his favorite tracks while discussing everything from medicine to politics. He always has these strong opinions that make our conversations engaging and insightful.


Interestingly, Rahul is also quite savvy when it comes to shopping. He’s the type of person who enjoys finding good deals and buying things at low prices. I remember him sharing with me the news that he bought a high-end stethoscope on sale, and he was thrilled with his purchase. It’s one of those things that shows how practical he is, even when it comes to personal items.


Finally, I must mention that there’s a photograph of the two of us from one of our school events that I really like. It reminds me of how much we’ve grown since those days—he’s now a successful doctor, and I’ve achieved my own milestones, thanks in part to his inspiration and encouragement. He’s not just a friend; he’s someone who pushes me to be the best version of myself.



1. Influence – the capacity to have an effect on the behavior or character of someone.

2. Admire – to regard with respect or warm approval.

3. Go-to person – a reliable source for advice or help.

4. Strong opinions – firm and assertive beliefs or judgments.

5. Valuable insights – important and useful understanding or knowledge.

6. Guidance – advice or information to solve problems or make decisions.

7. Health issues – medical conditions affecting well-being.

8. Avid reader – someone who reads a lot with enthusiasm.

9. Cozy – comfortable and warm, often used to describe spaces.

10. Ideal – considered perfect or most suitable.

11. Atmosphere – the mood or feeling of a place.

12. Serenity – the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

13. Unwind – to relax after a period of work or tension.

14. Hustle and bustle – busy and noisy activity.

15. Classical music – a traditional form of music, often relaxing and calming.

16. Perseverance – continued effort to achieve something despite difficulties.

17. Contributing to society – offering help, work, or ideas that benefit the community.

18. Inspired – to be motivated or influenced by someone or something.

19. Determination – firmness of purpose; resolve.



1. Look up to – to admire or respect someone.

2. Go through – to experience something, especially difficult situations.

3. Set up – to arrange or organize something.

4. Appreciative of the help – grateful for assistance.

5. Flip through – to look quickly through pages of a book.

6. Go-to place – a location you frequently visit or prefer.

7. Keep pursuing your passions – continue following your interests with determination.

8. Step in to help – to intervene to provide assistance.