Saturday 28 September 2024

Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item | SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop


3. Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item 

   - When and where it happened 

   - What it was 

   - How important and valuable it was 

   - How you lost it 

   - How you felt about the experience 



1. Priceless – extremely valuable or precious.

2. Milestone – a significant stage or event in life.

3. Fitness tracking – a feature of smartwatches to monitor health and fitness activities.

4. Emotionally priceless – invaluable in terms of sentimental value.

5. Busy shopping mall – a place filled with people, typically a bustling environment.

6. Surprise gift – an unexpected present.

7. Memories and family – sentimental and emotional significance tied to relationships.

8. Retraced my steps – went back along the same path to find something.

9. Sinking feeling – a feeling of dread or deep worry.

10. Nook and cranny – small, hidden places.

11. Irreplaceable – something that cannot be replaced.

12. Financial loss – a loss involving money.

13. Significant – something of great importance.

14. Mindful – paying careful attention.

15. Belongings – personal items or possessions.

16. Cherish – to value and care deeply about something.



1. Time is money – time is valuable, and wasting time is like wasting money.

2. Hit rock bottom – to reach the lowest point emotionally or mentally.

3. Why wasn’t I more careful? – rhetorical question, often used to express regret.

4. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone – you only appreciate the value of something after you lose it.

5. Cloud hanging over me – a feeling of persistent worry or sadness.

6. The ground had shifted beneath me – a feeling of sudden shock or surprise.

7. Just like that – something happening suddenly or unexpectedly.


Sample answer

A time when I lost something valuable that really stands out to me happened about a year ago, just after my 18th birthday. It was at a food court in a busy shopping mall, and the item I lost was my smartwatch. This wasn’t just any ordinary watch—it was a special gift from my father, which made it not only financially valuable but also emotionally priceless.


The smartwatch was a surprise gift from my dad, given to me on my 18th birthday, and I absolutely loved it. It had all the latest features—fitness tracking, notifications, and even a stylish look. But more than that, it symbolized a milestone in my life, and it showed how much my dad cared. You know how they say "time is money," but for me, that watch was more about memories and family. Losing it felt like losing a piece of my heart.


It all happened one weekend when I was out with my friends at the mall. We decided to grab some lunch at the food court after doing some shopping. I remember taking off my watch to clean my hands and setting it down on the table. We were laughing, chatting, and having a great time, so I completely forgot about the watch. We left the food court, and it wasn’t until I got home and looked at my wrist that I realized it was missing. My heart sank immediately. It was like the ground had shifted beneath me.


I rushed back to the mall, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone had found it and turned it in. But when I asked the staff, they said they hadn’t seen it. I retraced my steps, checked every nook and cranny of the food court, but unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. At that moment, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. It was a sinking feeling, realizing that something so meaningful was gone, just like that. I kept thinking to myself, "Why wasn’t I more careful?"


I must say, the whole experience taught me a valuable lesson. I understood the meaning of "you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone." Losing that watch wasn’t just a financial loss—it felt like I had lost something irreplaceable. Although my father was understanding and told me not to worry, I couldn’t shake off the guilt. It was like a cloud hanging over me for days. Even though it’s just an item, the sentiment attached to it made it much more significant.


In the end, though, I realized that while things can be lost, the memories and the bond with my family remain. I still look back on that day as a reminder to be more mindful of my belongings and to cherish the gifts I’ve been given.


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