Thursday 26 September 2024

Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse).| SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop


1. Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse) 

   - Who he/she is 

   - What he/she does 

   - Why he/she chose this career 

   - How you feel about him/her 


Vocabulary and idioms



1. Neurologist – A doctor who specializes in treating disorders of the brain and nervous system.

2. Challenging field – A difficult or demanding area of work or study.

3. Hardworking – Putting a lot of effort and diligence into tasks.

4. Dedicated – Committed to a task or purpose.

5. Job security – Assurance that one’s job is stable and unlikely to be lost.

6. In demand – A field or profession that has high job availability and is needed by society.

7. Healthcare – The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.

8. Fascinated by – Extremely interested in something.

9. Make a difference – To have a positive impact or effect on something or someone.

10. Admire – To regard someone with respect or warm approval.

11. Fulfilled – Satisfied or happy because of fully developing one’s abilities or character.

12. Noble profession – A job that is highly respected, often because it involves helping others.

13. Influenced – To have an effect on someone’s choices or behavior.

14. Practical reasons – Logical or sensible motivations based on real-world concerns.



1. None other than – Used to emphasize the identity of a particular person.

   - Meaning: The person I’m talking about is someone you already know or would recognize.


2. Runs in his blood – Refers to something that is a natural part of someone due to their family background.

   - Meaning: A trait or profession that has been passed down through the family.


3. Takes it in stride – To deal with something difficult or challenging in a calm and accepting way.

   - Meaning: To handle something with composure and without letting it become overwhelming.


4. Goes the extra mile – To make an extra effort to achieve something beyond what is expected.

   - Meaning: To do more than what is required or expected to achieve success.




Sample answer

The person I’d like to talk about today is none other than my best friend, Rahul, who has chosen a career in the medical field. Rahul is currently working as a neurologist, which means he specializes in treating disorders related to the brain and nervous system. It's a challenging field, but Rahul has always been a hardworking and dedicated individual, so it suits him perfectly.


As for why he chose this career, I believe there are a couple of reasons. First and foremost, the medical field is always in demand, and doctors are highly respected members of society. There’s a real sense of job security in this profession, and Rahul is the type of person who values stability. But another important factor is that he comes from a family of doctors. Both his parents are in the medical profession, and I think growing up in that environment really sparked his interest in healthcare from a young age. You could say it runs in his blood! Ever since we were kids, Rahul was always fascinated by science, and he used to tell me stories about how he wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. So, in a way, he was destined to become a doctor.


One thing I really admire about Rahul is his passion and dedication to his job. Not everyone has the patience and determination to study medicine for so many years, but Rahul took it in stride. He’s the kind of person who always goes the extra mile, whether it’s studying late into the night during his medical school days or now, spending long hours in the hospital to make sure his patients receive the best care possible.


Personally, I couldn’t be prouder of him. I think being a doctor is one of the noblest professions out there, and I always feel a sense of happiness when I see how fulfilled he is in his career. It’s not just about earning a good living for him—he genuinely wants to make a difference in people’s lives. And that’s something I really look up to.


All in all, Rahul’s decision to pursue a career in the medical field was not only influenced by practical reasons, like job demand, but also by his family background and personal passion. He’s truly an inspiration to me, and I feel lucky to have him as a friend.

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