Sunday 29 September 2024

Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place | SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop



4. Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place 

   - When and where it happened 

   - Who called you 

   - What he/she said 

   - How you corresponded 

   - How you felt about the experience 



1. Parcel – a package that is usually wrapped for delivery.

   - Example: "It turned out to be a delivery boy calling to confirm an address for a parcel."


2. Relayed – passed on information to someone else.

   - Example: "I relayed the correct information back to the delivery boy."


3. Distraction – something that takes your attention away from what you are doing.

   - Example: "There was a lot of noise and distraction around us."


4. Initially – at the beginning; at first.

   - Example: "I remember feeling a little stressed initially."


5. Off guard – unprepared or taken by surprise.

   - Example: "Even when you’re caught off guard in a public place."


6. Convenient – fitting well with a person’s needs or plans.

   - Example: "I realized how convenient it was that my brother was with me."


7. Relieved – feeling happy because something stressful has been resolved.

   - Example: "I felt relieved and glad that I could help."



Sample answer

Although I avoid picking up call in public places as its hard to talk over call in crowded places however here I recall a situation where I received an unexpected phone call from someone I didn’t know, and it happened in a public place. It was a busy Saturday afternoon, and I was in a large shopping mall with my brother. We were shopping for some clothes and accessories, enjoying our time when my phone suddenly rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered it since I thought it might be important.


It turned out to be a delivery boy who was calling to confirm an address for a parcel. He asked me if I was aware of a delivery for my brother. Now, this caught me by surprise because I had no idea that my brother had ordered something online. The delivery boy mentioned that the parcel was on its way, and he just needed to confirm the address before proceeding. At that point, I felt a bit confused and unsure about what to say because I didn’t want to give out the wrong information.


Fortunately, my brother was standing right next to me, so I quickly asked him if he had placed an order. He nodded and confirmed that he had indeed ordered a package, which immediately put my mind at ease. After that, I gave the correct address to the delivery boy and apologized for the delay. He seemed understanding and thanked me for confirming the details.


The entire situation was a bit strange because it happened in the middle of a crowded mall, where there was a lot of noise and distraction around us. I remember feeling a little stressed initially because I didn’t want to cause any confusion with the delivery, especially since I wasn’t aware of the order. However, once everything was sorted out, I felt relieved and glad that I could help.


Looking back, it was an interesting experience. It reminded me of how important it is to stay calm and double-check things, even when you’re caught off guard in a public place. I also realized how convenient it was that my brother was with me, or else I might not have been able to confirm the delivery properly.


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