Monday 30 September 2024

European Heat Wave | ielts reading passage | 05 October ielts exam | 05 October ielts reading passage | 05 October ielts exam prediction | 5 October ielts reading prediction

 European Heat Wave


IT WAS the summer, scientists now realise, when felt. We knew that summer 2003 was remarkable; global warming at last made itself unmistakably Britain experienced its record high temperature and continental Europe saw forest fires raging out of control, great rivers drying of a trickle and thousands of heat-related deaths. But just how remarkable is only now becoming clean.


The three months of June, July and August were the warmest ever recorded in western and central Europe, with record national highs in Portugal, Germany and Switzerland as well as Britain. And they were the warmest by a very long way Over a great rectangular block of the earth stretching from west of Paris to northern Italy, taking in Switzerland and southern Germany, the average temperature for the summer months was 3.78°C above the long-term norm, said the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, which is one of the world’s lending institutions for the monitoring and analysis of temperature records.


That excess might not seem a lot until you are aware of the context – but then you realise it is enormous. There is nothing like this in previous data, anywhere. It is considered so exceptional that Professor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director, is prepared to say openly – in a way few scientists have done before – that the 2003 extreme may be directly attributed, not to natural climate variability, but to global warming caused by human actions.


Meteorologists have hitherto contented themselves with the formula that recent high temperatures are consistent with predictions of climate. For the great block of the map – that stretching between 35-50N and 0-20E – the CRU has reliable temperature records dating back to 1781. Using as a baseline the average summer temperature recorded between 1961 and 1990, departures from the temperature norm, or ‘anomalies’: over the area as a whole can easily be plotted. As the graph shows, such as the variability of our climate that over the past 200 years, there have been at least half a dozen anomalies, in terms of excess temperature – the peaks on the graph denoting very hot years – approaching, or even exceeding, 20°C. But there has been nothing remotely like 2003, when the anomaly is nearly four degrees.


“This is quite remarkable,” Professor Jones told The Independent. “It’s very unusual in a statistical sense. If this series had a normal statistical distribution, you wouldn’t get this number. There turn period “how often it could be expected to recur” would be something like one in a thou-sand years. If we look at an excess above the average of nearly four degrees, then perhaps nearly three degrees of that is natural variability, because we’ve seen that in past summers. But the final degree of it is likely to be due to global warming, caused by human actions.


The summer of 2003 has, in a sense, been one that climate scientists have long been expecting. Until now, the warming has been manifesting itself mainly in winters that have been less cold than in summers that have been much hotter. Last week, the United Nations predicted that winters were warming so quickly that winter sports would die out in Europe’s lower-level ski resorts. But sooner or later the unprecedented hot summer was bound to come, and this year it did.


One of the most dramatic features of the summer was the hot nights, especially in the first half of August. In Paris, the temperature never dropped below 230°C (73.40°F) at all between 7 and 14 August, and the city recorded its warmest-ever night on 11-12 August, when the mercury did not drop below 25.50°C (77.90°F). Germany recorded its warmest-ever night at Weinbiet in the Rhine valley with a lowest figure of 27.60°C (80.60°F) on 13 August, and similar record-breaking night-time temperatures were recorded in Switzerland and Italy.


The 15,000 excess deaths in France during August, compared with previous years, have been related to the high night-time temperatures. The number gradually increased during the first 12 days of the month, peaking at about 2,000 per day on the night of 12-13 August, the fell off dramatically after 14 August when the minimum temperatures fell by about 50C. The elderly were most affected, with a 70 per cent increase in mortality rate in those aged 75-94.


For Britain, the year as a whole is likely to be the warmest ever recorded, but despite the high temperature record on 10 August, the summer itself – defined as the June, July and August period – still comes behind 1976 and 1955, when there were longer periods of intense heat. At the moment, the year is on course to be the third-hottest ever in the global temperature record, which goes back to 1856, behind 1988 and 2002 but when all the records for October, November and December are collated, it might move into second place, Professor Jones said. The 10 hottest years in the record have all now occurred since 1990. Professor Jones is in no doubt about the astonishing nature of European summer of 2003. “The temperatures recorded were out of all proportion to the previous record,” he said. “It was the warmest summer in the past 500 years and probably way beyond that it was enormously exceptional.”


His colleagues at the University of East Anglia’s Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research are now planning a special study of it. “It was a summer that has not: been experienced before, either in terms of the temperature extremes that were reached, or the range and diversity of the impacts of the extreme heat,” said the centre’s executive director, Professor Mike Hulme. “It will certainly have left its mark on a number of countries, as to how they think and plan for climate change in the future, much as the 2000 floods have revolutionised the way the Government is thinking about flooding in the UK. “The 2003 heat wave will have similar repercussions across Europe.”

Questions 14-19

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement is true

FALSE if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

14 The average summer temperature in 2003 is approximately four degrees higher than that of the past.

15 Jones believes the temperature statistic is within the normal range.

16 Human factor is one of the reasons that caused hot summer.

17 In large city, people usually measure temperature twice a day.

18 Global warming has obvious effect of warmer winter instead of hotter summer before 2003.

19 New ski resorts are to be built on a high-altitude spot.

Questions 20-21

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 20-21 on your answer sheet.

20 What are the two hottest years in Britain besides 2003?

21 What will affect UK government policies besides climate change according to Hulme?

Questions 22-26

Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage.

Write your answers in boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet

In the summer of 2003, thousands of extra death occurred in the country of 22…………………….. Moreover, world-widely, the third record of hottest summer date from 23…………………………., after the year of 24 ………………………….. According to Jones, all the 10 hottest years happened from 25 ……………………….. However, summer of 2003 was at the peak of previous 26………………………… years, perhaps even more.

Question 27

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D

Write your answer in box 27 on your answer sheet.

Which one can be best served as the title of this passage in the following options?

A Global Warming effect

B Global Warming in Europe

C The Effects of hot temperature

D Hottest summer in Europe


14. TRUE


16. TRUE


18. TRUE


20. 1976 and 1995

21. 2000 floods

22. France

23. 1856

24. 1998 and 2002

25. 1990

26. 500

27. D

Sunday 29 September 2024

































PASSAGE 3: MCQ, yes no not given, BLANKS  






-          Olympic torch

-          Yawning

-          Innovation in retail stores

-          Pacific navigation and voyaging

-          Global warming in New Zealand

-          Australian artist Margaret Preston

-          Antarctica research

-          How should reading be taught  

-          The future never dies

-          Facial expression

-          Biodiversity

-          Traditional medicine

-          Intelligence and giftedness

-          Density and crowding

-          Brand loyalty

-          The future of food

-          History of refrigerator

-          Texting the Television























Discuss both views







Watch prediction video to get to know important topics which can help you in real exam





Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place | SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop



4. Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place 

   - When and where it happened 

   - Who called you 

   - What he/she said 

   - How you corresponded 

   - How you felt about the experience 



1. Parcel – a package that is usually wrapped for delivery.

   - Example: "It turned out to be a delivery boy calling to confirm an address for a parcel."


2. Relayed – passed on information to someone else.

   - Example: "I relayed the correct information back to the delivery boy."


3. Distraction – something that takes your attention away from what you are doing.

   - Example: "There was a lot of noise and distraction around us."


4. Initially – at the beginning; at first.

   - Example: "I remember feeling a little stressed initially."


5. Off guard – unprepared or taken by surprise.

   - Example: "Even when you’re caught off guard in a public place."


6. Convenient – fitting well with a person’s needs or plans.

   - Example: "I realized how convenient it was that my brother was with me."


7. Relieved – feeling happy because something stressful has been resolved.

   - Example: "I felt relieved and glad that I could help."



Sample answer

Although I avoid picking up call in public places as its hard to talk over call in crowded places however here I recall a situation where I received an unexpected phone call from someone I didn’t know, and it happened in a public place. It was a busy Saturday afternoon, and I was in a large shopping mall with my brother. We were shopping for some clothes and accessories, enjoying our time when my phone suddenly rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered it since I thought it might be important.


It turned out to be a delivery boy who was calling to confirm an address for a parcel. He asked me if I was aware of a delivery for my brother. Now, this caught me by surprise because I had no idea that my brother had ordered something online. The delivery boy mentioned that the parcel was on its way, and he just needed to confirm the address before proceeding. At that point, I felt a bit confused and unsure about what to say because I didn’t want to give out the wrong information.


Fortunately, my brother was standing right next to me, so I quickly asked him if he had placed an order. He nodded and confirmed that he had indeed ordered a package, which immediately put my mind at ease. After that, I gave the correct address to the delivery boy and apologized for the delay. He seemed understanding and thanked me for confirming the details.


The entire situation was a bit strange because it happened in the middle of a crowded mall, where there was a lot of noise and distraction around us. I remember feeling a little stressed initially because I didn’t want to cause any confusion with the delivery, especially since I wasn’t aware of the order. However, once everything was sorted out, I felt relieved and glad that I could help.


Looking back, it was an interesting experience. It reminded me of how important it is to stay calm and double-check things, even when you’re caught off guard in a public place. I also realized how convenient it was that my brother was with me, or else I might not have been able to confirm the delivery properly.


Saturday 28 September 2024




Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities which are played alone.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Bar graph

The bar chart show average retirement age among seven countries in 2004 and 2008


Moving to a New Country, Writing a Letter to the Accommodation OFFICER

You are moving to a new country, write a letter to the accommodation officer to rent a house.

In your letter, describe:


mention your details
what you want
what you expect from the officer


Film stars and celebrities often share their views on public matters that have little to do with their profession. Is this a positive or negative development?







P1:Cooling effects of plastic 

P2:The history early invention 

P3:Sydney Opera House

1. sports 
2. natural 
3. suit 
4. 45
5. insurance 
6. marketing 
7. travel 
8. 115 
9. album 
10. studio 
11. g

12. e

13. a

14. f

15. h

16. c

17. a

18. b

19. c

20. a 

21 a

22. b

23. c

24. c

25. c

26. c

28. b

29. a 
31. 10000
32. land bridge 
33. forests 
34. arrows 
35. lups 
36. villages 
37. stones 
38. population 
39. marriage 
40. rice 

reading answers 














Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item | SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop


3. Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item 

   - When and where it happened 

   - What it was 

   - How important and valuable it was 

   - How you lost it 

   - How you felt about the experience 



1. Priceless – extremely valuable or precious.

2. Milestone – a significant stage or event in life.

3. Fitness tracking – a feature of smartwatches to monitor health and fitness activities.

4. Emotionally priceless – invaluable in terms of sentimental value.

5. Busy shopping mall – a place filled with people, typically a bustling environment.

6. Surprise gift – an unexpected present.

7. Memories and family – sentimental and emotional significance tied to relationships.

8. Retraced my steps – went back along the same path to find something.

9. Sinking feeling – a feeling of dread or deep worry.

10. Nook and cranny – small, hidden places.

11. Irreplaceable – something that cannot be replaced.

12. Financial loss – a loss involving money.

13. Significant – something of great importance.

14. Mindful – paying careful attention.

15. Belongings – personal items or possessions.

16. Cherish – to value and care deeply about something.



1. Time is money – time is valuable, and wasting time is like wasting money.

2. Hit rock bottom – to reach the lowest point emotionally or mentally.

3. Why wasn’t I more careful? – rhetorical question, often used to express regret.

4. You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone – you only appreciate the value of something after you lose it.

5. Cloud hanging over me – a feeling of persistent worry or sadness.

6. The ground had shifted beneath me – a feeling of sudden shock or surprise.

7. Just like that – something happening suddenly or unexpectedly.


Sample answer

A time when I lost something valuable that really stands out to me happened about a year ago, just after my 18th birthday. It was at a food court in a busy shopping mall, and the item I lost was my smartwatch. This wasn’t just any ordinary watch—it was a special gift from my father, which made it not only financially valuable but also emotionally priceless.


The smartwatch was a surprise gift from my dad, given to me on my 18th birthday, and I absolutely loved it. It had all the latest features—fitness tracking, notifications, and even a stylish look. But more than that, it symbolized a milestone in my life, and it showed how much my dad cared. You know how they say "time is money," but for me, that watch was more about memories and family. Losing it felt like losing a piece of my heart.


It all happened one weekend when I was out with my friends at the mall. We decided to grab some lunch at the food court after doing some shopping. I remember taking off my watch to clean my hands and setting it down on the table. We were laughing, chatting, and having a great time, so I completely forgot about the watch. We left the food court, and it wasn’t until I got home and looked at my wrist that I realized it was missing. My heart sank immediately. It was like the ground had shifted beneath me.


I rushed back to the mall, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone had found it and turned it in. But when I asked the staff, they said they hadn’t seen it. I retraced my steps, checked every nook and cranny of the food court, but unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. At that moment, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. It was a sinking feeling, realizing that something so meaningful was gone, just like that. I kept thinking to myself, "Why wasn’t I more careful?"


I must say, the whole experience taught me a valuable lesson. I understood the meaning of "you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone." Losing that watch wasn’t just a financial loss—it felt like I had lost something irreplaceable. Although my father was understanding and told me not to worry, I couldn’t shake off the guilt. It was like a cloud hanging over me for days. Even though it’s just an item, the sentiment attached to it made it much more significant.


In the end, though, I realized that while things can be lost, the memories and the bond with my family remain. I still look back on that day as a reminder to be more mindful of my belongings and to cherish the gifts I’ve been given.


Friday 27 September 2024

otter | ielts reading passage | 28 September ielts exam | 28 September ielts reading passage | 28 September ielts exam prediction | 28 September ielts reading prediction



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.



Otters have long, thin bodies and short legs – ideal for pushing through dense undergrowth or hunting in tunnels. An adult male may be up to 4 feet long and 30lbs. Females are smaller typically. The Eurasian otter’s nose is about the smallest among the otter species and has a characteristic shape described as a shallow ‘W’. An otter’s tail (or rudder, or stern) is stout at the base and tapers towards the tip where it flattens. This forms part of the propulsion unit when swimming fast under water. Otter fur consists of two types of hair: stout guard hairs which form a waterproof outer covering, and under-fur which is dense and fine, equivalent to an otter’s thermal underwear. The fur must be kept in good condition by grooming. Sea water reduces the waterproofing and insulating qualities of otter fur when salt water in the fur. This is why freshwater pools are important to otters living on the coast. After swimming, they wash the salts off in pools and the squirm on the ground to rub dry against vegetation.


Scent is used for hunting on land, for communication and for detecting danger. Otterine sense of smell is likely to be similar in sensitivity to dogs. Otters have small eyes and are probably short-sighted on land. But they do have the ability to modify the shape of the lens in the eye to make it more spherical, and hence overcome the refraction of water. In clear water and good light, otters can hunt fish by sight. The otter’s eyes and nostrils are placed high on its head so that it can see and breathe even when the rest of the body is submerged. Underwater, the cotter holds its legs against the body, except for steering, and the hind end of the body is flexed in a series of vertical undulations. River otters have webbing which extends for much of the length of each digit, though not to the very end. Giant otters and sea otters have even more prominent webs, while the Asian short-clawed otter has no webbing – they hunt for shrimps in ditches and paddy fields so they don’t need the swimming speed. Otter ears are tiny for streamlining, but

they still have very sensitive hearing and are protected by valves which close them against water pressure.


A number of constraints and preferences limit suitable habitats of otters. Water is a must and the rivers must be large enough to support a healthy population of fish. Being such shy and wary creatures, they will prefer territories where man’s activities do not impinge greatly. Of course, there must also be no other otter already in residence – this has only become significant again recently as populations start to recover. Coastal otters have a much more abundant food supply and ranges for males and females may be just a few kilometres of coastline. Because male range overlaps with two or three females – not bad! Otters will eat anything that they can get hold of – there are records of sparrows and snakes and slugs being gobbled. Apart from fish the most common prey are crayfish, crabs and water birds. Small mammals are occasionally taken, most commonly rabbits but sometimes even moles.


Eurasian otters will breed any time where food is readily available. In places where condition is more severe, Sweden for example where the lakes are frozen for much of winter, cubs are born in spring. This ensures that they are well grown before severe weather returns. In the Shetlands, cubs are born in summer when fish is more abundant. Though otters can breed every year, some do not. Again, this depends on food availability. Other factors such as food range and quality of the female may have an effect. Gestation for Eurasian otter is 63 days, with the exception of Lutra canadensis whose embryos may undergo delayed implantation. Otters normally give birth in more secure dens to avoid disturbances. Nests are lined with bedding to keep the cubs warm mummy is away feeding.


Otters normally give birth in more secure dens to avoid disturbances. Nests are lined with bedding (reeds, waterside plants, grass) to keep the cubs warm while is away feeding. Litter Size varies between 1 and 5. For some unknown reason, coastal otters tend to produce smaller litters. At five weeks they open their eyes – a tiny cub of 700g. At seven weeks they’re weaned onto solid food. At ten weeks they leave the nest, blinking into daylight for the first time. After three months they finally meet the water and learn to swim. After eight months they are hunting, though the mother still provides a lot of food herself. Finally, after nine months she can chase them all away with a clear conscience, and relax – until the next fella shows up.


The plight of the British otter was recognised in the early 60s, but it wasn’t until the late 70s that the chief cause was discovered. Pesticides, such as dieldrin and aldrin, were first used in1955 in agriculture and other industries – these chemicals are very persistent and had already been recognised as the cause of huge declines in the population of peregrine falcons, sparrow hawks and other predators. The pesticides entered the river systems and the food chain – micro-organisms, fish and finally otters, with every step increasing the concentration of the chemicals. From 1962 the chemicals were phased out, but while some species recovered quickly, otter numbers did not – and continued to fall into the 80s. This was probably due mainly to habitat destruction and road deaths. Acting on populations fragmented by the sudden decimation in the 50s and 60s, the loss of just a handful of otters in one area can make an entire population unviable and spell the end.


Otter numbers are recovering all around Britain – populations are growing again in the few areas where they had remained and have expanded from those areas into the rest of the country. This is almost entirely due to legislation, conservation efforts, slowing down and reversing the destruction of suitable otter habitat and reintroductions from captive breeding programs. Releasing captive-bred otters is seen by many as a last resort. The argument runs that where there is no suitable habitat for them they will not survive after release and where there is suitable habitat, natural populations should be able to expand into the area. However, reintroducing animals into a fragmented and fragile population may add just enough impetus for it to stabalise and expand, rather than die out. This is what the Otter Trust accomplished in Norfolk, where the otter population may have been as low as twenty animals at the beginning of the 1980s. The Otter Trust has now finished its captive breeding program entirely, great news because it means it is no longer needed.

Questions 1-9

The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 1-9 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1 A description of how otters regulate vision underwater

2 The fit-for-purpose characteristics of otter’s body shape

3 A reference to an underdeveloped sense

4 An explanation of why agriculture failed in otter conservation efforts

5 A description of some of the otter’s social characteristics

6 A description of how baby otters grow

7 The conflicted opinions on how to preserve

8 A reference to legislative act

9 An explanation of how otters compensate for heat loss

Questions 10-13

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer

10 What affects the outer fur of otters?

11 What skill is not necessary for Asian short-clawed otters?

12 Which type of otters has the shortest range?

13 Which type of animals do otters hunt occasionally?


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. F

5. C

6. E

7. G

8. G

9. A

10. Sea water/Salt water/Salt

11. swimming speed

12. Coastal otters

13. Small mammals

Describe a person who likes to read a lot | SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop


2. Describe a person who likes to read a lot 

   - Who this person is 

   - How you knew him/her 

   - What he/she likes to read 
   - Why you think he/she likes to read a lot 

vocabulary and idioms


- Bookworm – someone who loves reading

- Nose-deep in – fully absorbed or deeply engaged in something

- Drawn to – attracted to or interested in

- Fiction – literature that describes imaginary events and people

- Fantasy – a genre of fiction involving magic or supernatural elements

- Mystery novels – a genre of fiction involving suspense and unsolved cases

- Historical fiction – a literary genre that takes place in a setting located in the past

- Biographies – the detailed description or account of someone’s life

- Passionate about – having or showing strong feelings or interest in something

- Escape the hustle and bustle – to avoid the busy and noisy aspects of life

- Unwind – to relax after a period of work or tension

- Expand his horizons – to broaden one's range of interests or knowledge

- Natural curiosity – an inherent desire to learn or know more about something

- Insatiable thirst for knowledge – a strong and unending desire to learn more

- Well-spoken – speaking in an educated and articulate manner

- Thoughtful – showing careful consideration or attention

- Knowledgeable – well-informed; having a lot of knowledge



- Hustle and bustle – busy and noisy activity

- As the saying goes – introducing a common phrase or proverb

- You are what you read – adapted from "you are what you eat," meaning that what you read influences who you are

sample answer


One person who immediately comes to mind when I think of someone who loves reading is my childhood friend, Rahul. He’s a real bookworm, always nose-deep in a novel or some sort of book. I’ve known Rahul since we were kids. We went to the same school, and we’ve been close ever since. Over the years, I noticed how much he’s drawn to books, more so than most people I know.


Rahul has a particular interest in fiction, especially fantasy and mystery novels. Authors like J.K. Rowling and Agatha Christie are his favorites. He’s also quite into historical fiction and biographies, which really shows his diverse reading habits. I remember one time, he recommended a book called *Sapiens* by Yuval Noah Harari, which is all about the history of humankind. He was so passionate about it that I couldn’t help but give it a try myself!


The reason I think Rahul enjoys reading so much is because it helps him escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. Reading for him is like diving into another world—he always says it’s the best way to unwind. Whenever he’s stressed or just needs to relax, he reaches for a book. In fact, he often tells me that reading expands his horizons and improves his vocabulary, which is an added bonus.


Another reason he reads a lot could be his natural curiosity. He’s always been someone who loves to learn new things, and reading is his way of feeding that curiosity. It’s almost like his thirst for knowledge is insatiable, and books are the perfect source for that.


All in all, I believe Rahul’s love for reading has shaped him into the person he is today—well-spoken, thoughtful, and knowledgeable. As the saying goes, “you are what you read,” and in Rahul’s case, that couldn’t be more true.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse).| SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop


1. Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g. a doctor, a nurse) 

   - Who he/she is 

   - What he/she does 

   - Why he/she chose this career 

   - How you feel about him/her 


Vocabulary and idioms



1. Neurologist – A doctor who specializes in treating disorders of the brain and nervous system.

2. Challenging field – A difficult or demanding area of work or study.

3. Hardworking – Putting a lot of effort and diligence into tasks.

4. Dedicated – Committed to a task or purpose.

5. Job security – Assurance that one’s job is stable and unlikely to be lost.

6. In demand – A field or profession that has high job availability and is needed by society.

7. Healthcare – The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.

8. Fascinated by – Extremely interested in something.

9. Make a difference – To have a positive impact or effect on something or someone.

10. Admire – To regard someone with respect or warm approval.

11. Fulfilled – Satisfied or happy because of fully developing one’s abilities or character.

12. Noble profession – A job that is highly respected, often because it involves helping others.

13. Influenced – To have an effect on someone’s choices or behavior.

14. Practical reasons – Logical or sensible motivations based on real-world concerns.



1. None other than – Used to emphasize the identity of a particular person.

   - Meaning: The person I’m talking about is someone you already know or would recognize.


2. Runs in his blood – Refers to something that is a natural part of someone due to their family background.

   - Meaning: A trait or profession that has been passed down through the family.


3. Takes it in stride – To deal with something difficult or challenging in a calm and accepting way.

   - Meaning: To handle something with composure and without letting it become overwhelming.


4. Goes the extra mile – To make an extra effort to achieve something beyond what is expected.

   - Meaning: To do more than what is required or expected to achieve success.




Sample answer

The person I’d like to talk about today is none other than my best friend, Rahul, who has chosen a career in the medical field. Rahul is currently working as a neurologist, which means he specializes in treating disorders related to the brain and nervous system. It's a challenging field, but Rahul has always been a hardworking and dedicated individual, so it suits him perfectly.


As for why he chose this career, I believe there are a couple of reasons. First and foremost, the medical field is always in demand, and doctors are highly respected members of society. There’s a real sense of job security in this profession, and Rahul is the type of person who values stability. But another important factor is that he comes from a family of doctors. Both his parents are in the medical profession, and I think growing up in that environment really sparked his interest in healthcare from a young age. You could say it runs in his blood! Ever since we were kids, Rahul was always fascinated by science, and he used to tell me stories about how he wanted to help people and make a difference in their lives. So, in a way, he was destined to become a doctor.


One thing I really admire about Rahul is his passion and dedication to his job. Not everyone has the patience and determination to study medicine for so many years, but Rahul took it in stride. He’s the kind of person who always goes the extra mile, whether it’s studying late into the night during his medical school days or now, spending long hours in the hospital to make sure his patients receive the best care possible.


Personally, I couldn’t be prouder of him. I think being a doctor is one of the noblest professions out there, and I always feel a sense of happiness when I see how fulfilled he is in his career. It’s not just about earning a good living for him—he genuinely wants to make a difference in people’s lives. And that’s something I really look up to.


All in all, Rahul’s decision to pursue a career in the medical field was not only influenced by practical reasons, like job demand, but also by his family background and personal passion. He’s truly an inspiration to me, and I feel lucky to have him as a friend.

The Lost City |ielts reading passage | 28 September ielts exam | 28 September ielts reading passage | 28 September ielts exam prediction | 28 September ielts reading prediction

The Lost City

Thanks to modern remote-sensing techniques, a ruined city in Turkey is slowly revealing itself as one of the greatest and most mysterious cities of the ancient world. Sally Palmer uncovers more.


The low granite mountain, known as Kerkenes Dag, juts from the northern edge of the Cappadocian plain in Turkey. Sprawled over the mountainside are the ruins of an enormous city, contained by crumbling defensive walls seven kilometers long. Many respected archaeologists believe these are the remains of the fabled city of Pteria, the sixth-century BC stronghold of the Medes that the Greek historian Herodotus described in his famous work The Histories. The short-lived city came under Median control and only fifty years later was sacked, burned and its strong stone walls destroyed.


British archeologist Dr Geoffrey Summers has spent ten years studying the site. Excavating the ruins is a challenge because of the vast area they cover. The 7 km perimeter walls run around a site covering 271 hectares. Dr Summers quickly realised it would take far too long to excavate the site using traditional techniques alone. So he decided to use modern technology as well to map the entire site, both above and beneath the surface, to locate the most interesting areas and priorities to start digging.


In 1993, Dr Summers hired a special hand-held balloon with a remote-controlled camera attached. He walked over the entire site holding the balloon and taking photos. The one afternoon, he rented a hot-air balloon and floated over the site, taking yet more pictures. By the end of the 1994 season, Dr Summers and his team had a jigsaw of aerial photographs of the whole site. The next stage was to use remote sensing, which would let them work out what lay below the intriguing outlines and ruined walls. “Archaeology is a discipline that lends itself very well to remote sensing because it revolves around space,” says Scott Branting, an associated director of the project. He started working with Dr Summers in 1995.


The project used two main remote-sensing techniques. The first is magnetometry, which works on the principle that magnetic fields at the surface of the Earth are influenced by what is buried beneath. It measures localised variations in the direction and intensity of this magnetic field. “The Earth’s magnetic field can vary from place to place, depending on what happened there in the past,” says Branting. “if something containing iron oxide was heavily burnt, by natural or human actions, the iron particles in it can be permanently reoriented, like a compass needle, to align with the Earth’s magnetic field present at that point in time and space.’ The magnetometer detects differences in the orientations and intensities of these iron particles from the present-day magnetic field and uses them to produce an image of what lies below ground.


Kerkenes Dag lends itself particularly well to magnetometry because it was all burnt at once in a savage fire. In places the heat was sufficient to turn sandstone to glass and to melt granite. The fire was so hot that there were strong magnetic signatures set to the Earth’s magnetic field from the time – around 547 BC – resulting in extremely clear pictures. Furthermore, the city was never rebuilt. “if you have multiple layers confusing picture, because you have different walls from different periods giving signatures that all go in different directions,” says Branting. “We only have one going down about 1.5 meters, so we can get a good picture of this fairly short-lived city.”


The other main sub-surface mapping technique, which is still being used at the site, is resistivity. This technique measures the way electrical pulses are conducted through sub-surface oil. It’s done by shooting pulses into the ground through a thin metal probe. Different materials have different electrical conductivity. For example, stone and mudbrick are poor conductors, but looser, damp soil conducts very well. By walking around the site and taking about four readings per metre, it is possible to get a detailed idea of what is where beneath the surface. The teams then build up pictures of walls, hearths and other remains. “It helps a lot if it has rained, because the electrical pulse can get through more easily,” says Branting. “Then if something is more resistant, it really shows up.” This is one of the reasons that the project has a spring season, when most of the resistivity work is done. Unfortunately, testing resistivity is a lot slower than magnetometry. “If we did resistivity over the whole site it would take about 100 years,” says Branting. Consequently, the team is concentrating on areas where they want to clarify pictures from the magnetometry.


Remote sensing does not reveal everything about Kerkenes Dag, but it shows the most interesting sub-surface areas of the site. The archaeologists can then excavate these using traditional techniques. One surprise came when they dug out one of the fates in the defensive walls. “Our observations in early seasons led us to assume that wall, such as would be found at most other cities in the Ancient Near East,” says Dr Summers. “When we started to excavate we were staggered to discover that the walls were made entirely from stone and that the gate would have stood at least ten metres high. After ten years of study, Pteria is gradually giving up its secrets.”

Questions 14-17

The Reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.

14 The reason why various investigative methods are introduced.

15 An example of an unexpected discovery.

16 The methods to surveyed the surface of the site from above.

17 The reason why experts want to study the site.

Questions 18-25

Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 18-25 on your answer sheet.

Exploring the Ancient City of Pteria

The relevant work was done ten years ago. To begin with, experts took photos of the site from the ground and then from a distance in a 18…………………………… To find out what lay below the surface, they used two leading techniques. One was magnetometer, which identifies changes in the magnetic field. These changes occur when the 19…………………………… in buried structures have changed direction as a result of great heat. They match with the magnetic field, which is similar to a 20…………………………. The other one was resistivity, which uses a 21…………………………….. to fire electrical pulses into the earth. The principle is that building materials like 22………………………… and stone do not conduct electricity well, while 23……………………………. does this much better. Archaeologists preferred to use this technique during the 24……………………………………, when conditions are more favourable. Resistivity is mainly being used to 25……………………………….. some images generated by the magnetometer.

Question 26

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in box 26 on your answer sheet.

How do modern remote-sensing techniques help at the site?

A They avoid the need for experts to dig any part of the site.

B They bring parts of the site into light so that key areas can be researched further.

C They show minute buried objects for the archaeologists to dig up.

D They make the investigation more flexible as they can be used at any time of year.


14. B

15. G

16. C

17. A

18. hot-air balloon

19. iron particles

20. compass/compass needle

21. thin metal probe

22. mudbrick

23. looser damp soil

24. spring season

25. clarify

26. B

Wednesday 25 September 2024

14 September ielts writing task 1 and 2 for General Training | Real exam ielts writing task 1 and 2 | Past exam ielts writing task 1 and 2 for GT


Ielts writing task 1 gt (INDIA)

You have recently travelled on a train and unfortunately left your luggage.

Write a letter to the manager of the Lost and Found department of the railway regarding the luggage you accidentally left on the train. In your letter,

give details of your train trip

describe the luggage you left on the train

say what actions you want him/her to take

task 2 (INDIA)

For more and more people, wearing fashionable clothes is becoming important. Is this attitude to wearing clothes positive or negative development.

task 1 Canada

Write a letter to a newspaper editor about the poor condition of a historic building in your area. In the letter you should

What building are you writing about?

Describe the current condition of the building

What should be done in this situation. 

Task 2 

Some people think that children should follow their parent’s advice, however, others disagree. 

Discuss both views and give your opinion.












1. Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that studying past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



1. There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do the problems of mobile phones outweigh the benefits?

2. More and more people are using the Internet to do their tasks rather than doing them in person. Does the advantage of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?



1. In today's world, private companies rather than government pay for and conduct most scientific research. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2. Development in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



1. When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their lifetime. Is this a positive or negative development?


1. Some people believe that if a police officer carries guns, it can encourage a higher level of violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Corruption has become a common disease among several nations. What are the causes and measures to resolve this trend?



1. The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2. Most people today prefer to socialize online rather than spending time with their friends in the local community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?



1. Government should pay for the course fees for everyone who wants to study at the university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?



1. Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university education to a high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. Scientists have been warning for many years about protecting the environment and that people must limit the use of energy in their daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do so. What are the reasons for this and how can people be encouraged to protect the environment?

2. The best way to protect the environment is to use local resources, such as food or building materials, rather than transporting resources from other places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Describe a person who has strong opinions | SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2024 NEW CUE CARDS SAMPLE ANSWER | NEW CUE CARDS 2024 | Makkar IELTS September To December 2024 Speaking Pdf final version | New Cue Cards Sep To Dec 2024 | makkar ielts | ielts one stop


Describe a person who has strong opinions 

   - Who this person is 

   - What opinions he/she has 

   - How you feel about his/her opinions 

   - Why he/she has strong opinions 



1. Speak his mind – To express one’s opinions openly and honestly.

2. Firm in his beliefs – Strongly convinced about certain ideas or principles.

3. Steadfast – Firm and unwavering in attitude or belief.

4. Advocate – A person who publicly supports a particular cause or idea.

5. Non-negotiable – Something that cannot be changed or compromised.

6. Continuous learning – The ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge.

7. Fast-changing world – A dynamic and rapidly evolving environment.

8. Balanced diet – A diet that includes a variety of different types of food in the right proportions.

9. Overwhelming – Something that is very intense or overpowering.

10. Motivates – Provides someone with the reason to do something.

11. Resilient – Able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks.

12. First hand – Direct experience or knowledge gained by actually doing or seeing something.

13. Turn his life around – Make significant positive changes in one’s life.

14. Resolute – Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.

15. Solid experiences – Genuine and meaningful life experiences.

16. Right on the money – Exactly correct or accurate.


Sample Answer


One person who comes to mind when I think of someone with strong opinions is my older brother. He’s someone who doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind, no matter what the situation is. From a very young age, he’s always been firm in his beliefs, especially when it comes to education, fitness, and lifestyle choices.


One of his most steadfast opinions is that education is the key to success. He often says that without proper education, it’s like trying to climb a mountain without the right gear—impossible. He believes that continuous learning is essential in this fast-changing world, and he’s always encouraging everyone in the family to pursue higher education. Moreover, he’s a huge advocate for a healthy lifestyle. He’s convinced that regular exercise and a balanced diet are non-negotiable if one wants to live a long, happy life.


Personally, I admire his strong opinions, even though, at times, they can be a bit overwhelming. While I don’t always agree with everything he says, I can’t deny that his opinions often make a lot of sense. His belief in education, for instance, has pushed me to focus more on my studies, and I can see the benefits now. His passion for health also motivates me to stay active and eat healthy, even when I feel lazy.


I think the reason my brother holds such strong opinions is because he’s seen firsthand how these things can impact someone’s life. He struggled a lot with his health a few years ago, and after turning his life around with fitness and education, he became determined to stick to these principles. His life experience has made him quite resolute, and he’s always willing to share his perspective, whether you ask for it or not.


In a nutshell, while my brother’s opinions may be strong, they are certainly based on solid experiences, and most of the time, he’s right on the money.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

BRAND LOYALTY RUNS DEEP | ielts reading passage | 28 September ielts exam | 28 September ielts reading passage | 28 September ielts exam prediction | 28 September ielts reading prediction


At almost any supermarket in Sydney, Australia, food from all over the world fills the shelves. Perhaps you fancy some Tick Tock Rooibos tea made in South Africa, or some Maharaja’s Choice Rogan Josh sauce from India. Alongside local Foster’s beer, Chinese Tsingtao and Indonesian Bintang are both to be found. For homesick Britons, the confectionary aisle is stocked with Mars Bars and Bountys, while for pining Poles sweets manufactured by firms like Wawel or Solidarposc are available. Restaurants in Sydney range from Afghan to Zambian, catering for different ethnic groups as well as the rest of the curious general public.

All of this variety is a result of population movement and changes in global trade, and, to a lesser extent, reduced production and transportation costs. While Australia can claim around 40% of its population as the first generation, other countries, like Switzerland, may have fewer international migrants, but still, have people who move from city to city in search of work. Even since the 1990s, taxes or tariffs on imported goods have decreased dramatically. The World Trade Organisation, for example, has promulgated the idea of zero tariffs, which has been adopted into legislation by many member states. It is estimated that within a century, agriculture worldwide has increased its efficiency five-fold. Faster and better-integrated road and rail services, containerisation, and the ubiquitous aeroplane have sped up transport immeasurably.

Even with this rise in the availability of non-local products, recent studies suggest that supermarkets should do more to increase their number to match more closely the proportion of shoppers from those countries or regions. Thus, if 10% of a supermarket’s customers originate in Vietnam, there ought to be 10% Vietnamese products in store. If Americans from southern states dominate in one northern neighbourhood, southern brands should also be conspicuous. Admittedly, there are already specialist shops that cater to minority groups, but minorities do frequent supermarkets.

Two separate studies by Americans Bart Bronnenberg and David Atkin have found that brand loyalty (choosing Maharaja’s Choice over Patak’s, or Cadbury’s over NestlĂ©) is not only determined by advertising, but also by a consumer’s past. If a product featured in a person’s early life in one place, then, as a migrant, he or she is likely to buy that same one.

In the US context, between 2006 and 2008, Bronnenberg analysed data from 38,000 families who had bought 238 different kinds of packaged goods. Although the same brands could be found across America, there were clear differences in what people purchased. In general, there were two leading brands in each kind of packaged good, but there were smaller brands that assumed a greater proportion of consumers’ purchases than was statistically likely. One explanation for this is that 16% of people surveyed came from interstate, and these people preferred products from their home states. Over time, they did buy more products from their adopted state, but, surprisingly, it took two decades for their brand loyalty to halve. Even people who had moved interstate 50 years previously maintained a preference for home-state brands. It seems the habits of food buying change more slowly than we think.

Bronnenberg’s findings were confirmed by Atkin’s in India although there was something more unexpected that Atkin discovered. Firstly, during the period of his survey, the cost of all consumables rose considerably in India. As a result, families reduced their spending on food, and their calorific intake fell accordingly. It is also worth noting that although India is one country, states impose tariffs or taxes on products from other Indian states, ensuring that locally-produced goods remain cheaper. As in the US, internal migrants bought food from their native place even when it was considerably more expensive than local alternatives, and at a time when you might expect families to be economising. This element made the brand-loyalty theory even more convincing.

There is one downside to these findings. In relatively closed economies, such as India’s, people develop tastes that they take with them wherever they go; in a more globalised economy, such as America’s, what people eat may be more varied, but still dependent on early exposure to brands. Therefore, according to both researchers, more advertising may now be directed at minors since brand loyalty is established in childhood and lasts a lifetime. In a media-driven world where children are already bombarded with information, their parents may not consider appropriate yet more advertising is hardly welcome.

For supermarkets, this means that wherever there are large communities of expatriates or immigrants, it is essential to calculate the demographics carefully in order to supply those shoppers with their favourite brands as in light of Atkin and Bronnenberg’s research, advertising and price are not the sole motivating factors for purchase as was previously thought.

Questions 14-18

Choose the correct letter: A, B, C, or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14 In this article, the writer refers to food products that are sold

A at markets.

B wholesale.

C online.

D retail.

15 In Sydney, shoppers can buy beer from

A China and Indonesia.

B India and South Africa.

C Poland.

D Vietnam.

16 The greater variety of goods and brands now available is mainly due to:

A cheaper production and more migration.

B changes in migration and international trade.

C cheaper production and transport.

D changes in migration and transport.

17 The writer thinks supermarkets ............ should change their products slightly.

A in Australia

B in India and the US

C in Switzerland

D worldwide

18 The writer suggests that:

A the quality of products at specialist shops will always be better than at supermarkets.

B specialist shops will close down because supermarkets will be cheaper.

C specialist shops already supply minority groups, so supermarkets shouldn’t bother.

D specialist shops already supply minority groups, yet supermarkets should compete with them.

Question 19

Which chart below – A, B, or C – best describes the relationship between shoppers at one Sydney supermarket, and what research suggests that same supermarket should sell?

Write your answer in box 19 on your answer sheet.

Questions 20-26

Which study/studies do the following statements relate to?
In boxes 20-26 on your answer sheet, write:

A if the information relates only to Atkin’s study
B if the information relates only to Bronnenberg’s study
C if the information relates to both Atkin’s and Bronnenberg’s studies

20 There was a correlation between brands a shopper used in childhood, and his or her
preferences as an adult.
21 One reason for the popularity of smaller brands was that many people surveyed came
from another state where those brands were bigger.
22 Even living in a new state for a very long time did not mean that shoppers chose new
23 In general, food became more expensive during the time of the study. Despite this,
families bought favourite brands and ate less.
24 Taxes on products from other states also increased the cost of food. This did not stop
migrants from buying what they were used to.
25 Children may be the target of more food advertising now.
26 Advertising and price were once thought to be the main reasons for buying products. This theory has been modified now.



14. D

15. A

16. B

17. D

18. D

19. B

20. C

21. C

22. B

23. A

24. A

25. C

26. C